Round Rock, Texas
11,850 square feet
Completed 2005
Our third fire station for the City of Round Rock is this four bay station located in the Old Settler’s Park area. This 11,850 square foot station houses the training division for the Fire Department and includes a meeting/training room large enough to accommodate 50 people. Plans for a training tower are included for a future phase.
At the onset of planning the station’s design, the program was completed with input from all fire department staff levels. Input including design decisions, station layout, and public versus private spaces filled discussions. Details as general as room configuration and as specific as the number of electrical outlets to be included in each room were discussed.
The neighborhood station operates 24-hours a day and includes dormitories and kitchen facilities to accommodate three separate shift units. An exercise and weight room as well as outdoor recreation space provide “down time” activities for this home away from home for the fire fighters. Large 14’ X 14’ bay doors on the drive-through bays support plans for a future ladder truck to serve the community. One bay houses EMS services. The station utilizes the Plymovent air cleaning technology system in the apparatus bay to promote a clean and healthy work environment for the fire-fighting crew and any visiting public.