Round Rock, Texas
23,000 square feet
Completed 2012
By conducting a thorough needs assessment through a series of surveys, departmental interviews, and small and large group workshops, the KAH Architecture team explored facility solutions impacting land use, functionality, adaptability, and economy. Methodical interior space planning and purposeful design details emerged to provide operational success for city employees as well as user friendly interfacing with community members.
The design of the City Council Chambers is bright and open emphasizing the City’s commitment to transparent government and community service. Multiple vantage points afford operative business communications and inviting public connections including a raised, aesthetically pleasing dais facing the audience and theatre style seating for clear views from all angles.
The workings of City Hall entered the 21st Century with state of the art technology, an expanded utility billing area for efficient, friendly customer service, executive conference spaces, simplified employee workstations with minimal hard offices throughout for organizational efficiency, and an easily accessible Mayor’s suite. New finishes including updated carpeting, lighting, and furniture crown the modernized remodel.
To solve a prioritized project challenge, KAH Architecture built upon the collectively developed vision and design to implement a solution focused schedule enabling city business to function with success throughout project construction.