Round Rock, Texas
15,800 square feet
Completed 2012
KAH Architecture teamed with the City of Round Rock to provide a complete needs assessment, interior space planning, remodeling, and exterior renovations to two adjacent City Hall and Business Center facilities. Leading a series of information gathering workshops with key stakeholders – City Council members, city personnel, department personnel, maintenance, and other crucial facility users – the KAH Architecture team gathered usage and functioning details outlining:
- Specific departmental functions
- Needed equipment and furniture for departmental productivity
- Space identification including offices, work stations, Council Chambers, conference rooms, and storage
- Space needs analysis and organizational necessities/requests
Each information gathering workshop further served to develop a facility solution and establish user and community consensus, thus generating the design of a cohesive facility to house the City’s business and administrative operations.
With the programming sessions based on a 10 year build out and a prioritized set of goals, the redesign and construction of the two buildings will meet the needs of the city well into future years.
The KAH Architecture team continued the project from needs assessment and programming through to design and construction administration.