Round Rock, Texas
112,000 square feet
Completed 2003
Initiated with the County’s purchase of a 180 acre site, 50 acres of the land was allocated for this new Juvenile Justice Facility to serve the greater Williamson County area. The project began with needs assessment and programming to forecast needs five to ten year ahead, including future expansion requirements.
The 112,000 square foot one story facility houses 72 male and 24 female juvenile inmates. The secure area of the facility resembles that of a standard incarceration building while those individuals in the non-secure area are housed in a college dorm type of environment. The facility includes a state of the art central control room, secure sallyport, a protected booking/visitation area, an education academy, a 1,100 square foot courtroom, full service kitchen and dining halls, administration/support areas, medical facility, gymnasium, and exterior activity areas. To accommodate the range of offenders, many of these areas are divided into both secure and non-secure spaces. This provides the necessary safety for both the staff and the juveniles. Another added security measure – the central control room monitors pedestrian movement within the interior and exterior of the building.
Exterior finishes compare to area high school campuses and are strategically design to provide an aesthetically pleasing facade to compliment the area as a whole.