Spring, Texas
9,500 square feet
Completed 2010
A new two (2) bay fire station nestled in the piney forest of Spring, Texas, this 9,500 square foot facility serves a fast growing community. The station sports a fully equipped, spacious kitchen and dining area, dayroom, fitness room, and three administration offices. Four (4) dorm rooms with showers and restrooms create a home away from home environment for the fire-fighters and staff.
Facility bones are a pre-engineered metal building with a brick and split faced CMU veneer accented with cast stone. Stained concrete runs throughout the interior with the exception of the fitness area which has rubberized sports flooring. Porcelain tile accents the restrooms.
The apparatus bay includes trench drains, a PlymoVent system and a large high volume low speed (HVLS) fan as well as a mechanical mezzanine with enclosed data room.
Exterior features include an emergency call box for public needs, a fully landscaped lawn watered by naturally detained on-site water, detention basin, communications tower and a pull through driveway.