Austin, Texas
9,650 square feet
Completed 2009
As project architects for the 9,650 square foot fire station for the Pedernales Fire Department, KAH Architecture worked through a challenging site to produce a first class station.
The topography of the 1.6 acre building site required a unique design of the structure which consequently impacted its constructability when compared to a standard one-level building of the same square footage. A grade change of 14 feet along the east façade of the building dictated a two-level structure with a retaining wall 14 feet high and 142 feet long. The ground level apparatus bay section is a pre-engineered steel structure with metal panel siding and a standing seam metal roof. The crew quarters and administrative areas are located in a standard two-level metal/wood framing/EFIS/masonry structure. The two types of construction were joined by a reinforced, CMU parapet wall 42 feet high and 51 feet long. The site also presented additional challenges in the design of the surface drainage. Throughout the entire design process, KAH Architecture identified out of the box solutions.
The first level of the 9,650 square foot structure includes four (4) fire apparatus bays, fire crew sleeping and living quarters, fitness and utility rooms. The fire department administrative offices, training room with a large kitchen, restrooms and a large mezzanine storage and utility area are located on the second level.