Georgetown, Texas
8,300 square feet
Completed 2013
The City of Georgetown is one step closer to a brand new facility for fire fighters currently housed at Station #2 on Williams Drive and Central. The original Station #2 was built in 1974 for volunteer fire fighters and their families. It didn’t take long for the department to quickly outgrow the approximately 1,600 square feet.
To meet the needs of the growing Georgetown community, the City purchased the adjacent properties and chose KAH Architecture and Chasco Constructors as the Design-Build team for the new, modern facility. Design is now complete and construction is progressing quickly with an anticipated completion in March 2013.
The new, approximately 8,300 square foot station is a vast improvement on their current facility and it will still offer future room for growth. The living quarters features an open Day room, Kitchen, and Dining area with direct access to an outdoor patio. Individual dorms house five firefighters with one remaining space to add an additional firefighter in the future. In addition, there is a private dorm and office for the Battalion Chiefs and Lieutenants. The apparatus bay features a three-bay pull-through with a direct exit onto Williams Drive – a necessary feature to save precious time during activation.
Due to the location of the station and the proximity to the nearby residential area, the station was designed to blend in with the neighborhood and have a residential feel. The building features multiple roof lines and pitches and is composed of residential-style asphalt shingles. The exterior has a rich wood look that is actually a fiber cement product which lasts much longer than standard wood siding yet still blends nicely with the area. The front of the building facing Williams Drive provides a visual reference to a more residential building scale with the articulation and architectural features.
The design and construction of the new station will not only provide the fire fighters with much needed space in order to perform their duties, but it also gives the neighborhood an attractive municipal building that will last for many years to come.