Round Rock, Texas
48,600 square feet
Completed 2002
An exemplary project utilizing local resources, the Bluebonnet Trails MHMR Center is a County facility serving an eight (8) County region. Located on a 13.7-acre site adjacent to Brushy Creek, the Center blends handsomely with its surroundings and presents an attractive environment.
Deep KAH Architecture established relationships and years of professionalism enabled smooth solutions to project challenges, including: a 100 year flood plain, site antiquities, wetlands, and a regional wastewater system. The facility accommodates fifteen (15) departments and over two hundred employees in addition to the vast clientele served by the agency. These numerous departments and their associated patrons presented distinct circulation challenges as proper separation was required while still maintaining direct working relationship ability. Further, security issues mandated outside-the-box design. Great attention to detail was given to meet each challenge and to exceed Owner expectations.
Native materials such as a cut limestone base, stone veneer, stucco, exposed wood trusses at covered drop-offs, and a standing seam galvalume roofing system provides the facility with a Lone Star, Texas-true feeling and a positive, inviting mood throughout the building. Further, tall clerestories provide natural light amidst major circulation areas, contributing to an open, upbeat environment.